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The Carlyle Group & Aqua Capital Earn Top Honors in the Latin American Private Equity Awards

8 March 2017

Caitlin Mitchell, LAVCA
[email protected]

The Carlyle Group & Aqua Capital Earn Top Honors in the Latin American Private Equity Awards
Institutional Investors Select Fund Managers with Leading Deals & ESG Outcomes for LAVCA & EY’s Latin American Private Equity Awards

New York, March 8, 2017The Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA) and EY today announced the winners of the 2017 Latin American Private Equity Awards. A panel of institutional investors selected The Carlyle Group for the 2017 Private Equity Deal based on their investment in Brazilian travel and tourism company CVC Brasil Operadora e Agência de Viagens. The 2017 Private Equity Overall ESG Deal was awarded to Aqua Capital and Geneseas, an aquaculture company based in São José do Rio Prêto, Brazil.

“By definition, private equity fund managers doing deals in emerging markets are inevitably focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by environmental, social, and governance issues,” said Cate Ambrose, President and Executive Director of LAVCA. “LAVCA’s approach is to look at ESG through the lens of our member firms’ experience working with business owners in Latin America.”

Honorable mentions were awarded to Bozano Investimentos/Hortigil Hortifruti (2017 Private Equity Deal); IGNIA Partners/Ver de Verdad (2017 Private Equity ESG Deal, Special Consideration Social Responsibility); Kandeo Investment Advisors/Distribuidora Rayco (2017 Private Equity ESG Deal, Special Consideration Social Responsibility).

“The deals selected represent a great cross section of where and how fund managers are working with companies to implement global standards in traditional, often family-owned, businesses,” said Herb Engert, Global Private Equity Leader, EY. “The Latin American Private Equity Awards and Deal Book continue to be a valuable acknowledgment of the private equity activity in the region as fund managers find ways to bring value to portfolio companies and their investors.”

The judging panel was comprised of Latin American, US, and international institutional investors including development finance institutions, insurance companies, pension funds, and trusts. Scoring criteria included company transformation, IRR, EBITDA, governance, and where relevant, social and environmental impact.

Award winners were honored during a special Latin American panel and lunch at the PEI/PRI Responsible Investment Forum on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 in New York. These deals and others are highlighted in the third edition of the Latin American Private Equity Deal Book and ESG Cases. Over 35 deal cases have been published by LAVCA and EY since 2014.


About the Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association
The Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association is a not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to supporting the growth of private equity and venture capital in Latin America and the Caribbean. LAVCA’s membership is comprised of over 180 firms, from leading global investment firms active in the region to local fund managers from Mexico to Argentina. Member firms control assets in excess of US$65b, directed at capitalizing and growing Latin American businesses. LAVCA’s mission – to spur regional economic growth by advancing venture capital and private equity investment – is accomplished through programs of research, networking forums, education and advocacy of sound public policy. More information at

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